First name : Portugal

Born on April 5th 1979, in ICA-Peru, in 1997 he enters the Escuela Superior Publica de Bellas Artes de Piura “IGNACIO MERINO” obtaining the first place in the entrance exam.

In 2002, the year he finished his studies as a visual artist, he won the internal drawing and painting competition of Bellas Artes, appearing in the press of Piura as a promising young talent along with other artists.

In July 2012, he traveled to France, where he currently lives.

In 2014, he won first place in the Salon d’Automne in the city of Chemillé – France.

In 2017, he won first prize in the outdoor painting competition in the city of Saint-André-sur-Sèvre – France.

Portugal paints with different techniques:oil, acrylic, India ink, pastel, his work has a pictorial power, in the explosion of colors like the ceilings of churches and chapels of the Renaissance painters. We discover the same importance of the human body and portraits, the play of light, the influence of cities and merchants. But the artist brings his classical aesthetic culture into contact with the inventiveness of the Pop Art practiced by Roy Lichtenstein. The color palette leads the public’s perception to jubilation. Another way to reach Street Art: the entrance of a garage becomes an open door to emotion, beauty and poetry.